Friday, April 1, 2011

Springtime planting....

As promised, here is the second planting activity we did this week!  We took knee highs, dirt, and grass seed and made our very own "Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head."   They are going to be absolutely precious!!!  Thanks to Lindsey for her wonderful idea!  I cannot wait until the "hair" grows!  Here are a few pictures!  I couldn't take the kids' pictures doing the activity because I was holding the pantyhose!! :)

Our supplies...thanks again to Mrs. Waldrop for the soil and Mrs. Stenson for the grass seed!

Step 1:  furst yu poot n 2 spons uv gras seds.
"First you put in 2 teaspoons of grass seeds." 

Step 2: secunt you put in 3 smal cups of durt.
"Second you put in 3 small cups of dirt."

Step 3:  nex yoo ad the fas to the cups.
"Next you add the face to the cups."

Step 4:  finule yu fil the cup wif wadr.
"Finally you fill the cup with water."

They are on our girl cubbies by the big windows!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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